A prospect in a one percent motorcycle club, often known for their outlaw reputation, typically has various responsibilities and tasks to prove their loyalty and commitment to the club.

These tasks can vary depending on the specific club and its traditions, but here are some activities that a prospect might be expected to undertake:
- Earning Respect: Prospects are required to demonstrate their dedication and loyalty to the club’s members. They may be expected to perform tasks such as running errands, maintaining motorcycles, or assisting with club events.
- Club Support: Prospects are often responsible for providing support during club rides, events, and gatherings. This may involve helping with logistics, security, or any other tasks assigned by senior club members.
- Prospecting Period: Prospects typically undergo a probationary period where they are closely observed and evaluated by club members. During this time, they may need to prove their commitment by adhering to club rules, participating in club activities, and showing respect to senior members.
- Learning Club Traditions: Prospects are expected to familiarize themselves with the history, values, and traditions of the motorcycle club. This includes learning about the club’s hierarchy, protocols, and code of conduct.
- Demonstrating Loyalty: Prospects may be required to engage in activities that uphold the club’s reputation and protect its interests. This might involve maintaining secrecy, standing up for club members in conflicts, or even participating in illegal activities depending on the club’s affiliations.

It’s important to remember that this is just an introduction to club politics and many real-life motorcycle clubs may operate differently.